"카운트다운"을 이용해주셔서 감사합니다

"카운트다운"은 매우 쉽게 작동시킬 수 있도록 디자인되었고 알림시간을 설정하고 사용하는데에도 아주 편리합니다. 화면이 꺼졌거나, 백그라운드에서 프로그램이 종료되었거나, 휴대폰을 방금 다시 켰을 경우에도 당신이 설정해 둔 알람은 때 맞춰 작동 할 것 입니다.



Go시작 카운트다운시작 (비실행 시 보임)
stop중지 카운트다운 정지 (실행 시 보임)
zero제로 카운트다운리셋 (비실행 시와 카운트다운이 0이 아닐 시 보임)
settings설정 설정 수정
help도움말 이 페이지와더 많은 정보
지난 설정으로 돌아가기 (설정에서 체크되었고 지난 설정이있을 때 보임)
Rollback wheel to the last time that was set when the Go was tapped before.
snooze다시 울림 [경고창]다시울림: 알람을 멈추고 5분 카운트다운을 시작합니다.
dismiss확인 [경고창] 확인: 알람을 멈추고 기능을 정지합니다.

Settings Explained:


진동 사용
Use Vibration
가능할 시 진동 사용
Use the device vibrator (if available) or not.
알람 설정
Alarm Sound
시스템 기본설정
default alarm
알람 고르기
Select any alarm from all the alarms+ringtones that are already installed on your device.
If you select something too soft and gentle, you might miss it when it rings!
알람 루틴 설정하기
Loop Alarm Sound
알람 루틴 반복하기. 선택되지 않을 시 알람은 한번만 울립니다.
Some alarms you may select are very long, and some are just one "beep".
"Loop" will make the sound repeat itself every 10 seconds, so you are less likely to miss it.
시간 포맷 고르기
Select Time Format
Determines how many Hour digits to display. 0, 1 or 2 (mm:ss / h:mm:ss / hh:mm:ss).
On the extreme, you can count down 100 hours minus one second. (That's 4 days and 4 hours).
도움말 실행시키기
Enable Interactive Help
성공적으로 마친 후 자동으로 꺼집니다
Displays some interactive help (Animated help and text over). It turns off automatically after I see that you've got the point.
다시 울림 시간 설정
Select Snooze duration
5 min
2, 5(기본), 10분
When clicking the "Snooze" button on the Alert, this value is used to automatically set the timer and run.
핸드폰의 버튼 눌러 알람 끄기
Hard buttons dismiss Alert
다시 울림 기능을 사용하려면 볼륨을 올림 버튼을 누르시고 끄려면 다른 버튼들을 누르세요
Hard button is any physical button on the device button (except the power button).
When enabled, and Alert is displayed, than you can use the volume and other buttons if available (some devices has camera button) - to dismiss or snooze the alert. Use volume up to snooze, all the other buttons to dismiss.
반복 버튼 작동하기
Enable Rollback Button
마지막에 사용했던 카운트다운으로 쉽게 돌아갈수 있습니다
Allows you to easily revert to last countdown activated. Useful if you need the same time period over and over again, such as in a chess game. If your turn took only 10 seconds out of (say) 1:30 minutes, than instead of of stopping->zeroing>setting the digits to 1:30, you can just tap "rollback", and the wheel will be set to 1:30, ready to be started again.
오류 보고
Report a problem

Sends me a message that you can type in. It attaches info on your device model, android version, and more technical details that should help me understand the problem. It also adds an email address if you've filled it in the next preference.
대답을 원하시나요? 이메일 주소를 적어주세요
Want ne to answer? You can fill in youe email

제가 대답하길 원하시거나 대답을 잘 받았는지알고싶으시다면 여기에 써주세요
(Optional) You can fill in your email, and it will be stored localy. It will be attached to reports sent to me if you use "Report a problem" button, or if your app crashed abnormally (hopefully never).

I don't read your google account info, so if you don't fill this field, I won't be able to answer you if you report a problem.


Alerts and time measurement can be quite important at times, that's why I made extra effort to make this app as reliable as I can.
This includes:


Not supported

I currently don't plan to add those in the free version. As for now there is no paid version, but if I see demand, than I may develop it.

Terms of use
: This app was built with best effort to provide a reliable and stable product, and was tested thoroughly on several platforms, but it is released without any guarantee that it would work on each and every device out there, and there can be no liability for anything that may result from a bug in the software.
Flurry Analytics: MindTheApps reserves the right to anonymously track and report a user's activity inside the app, and get crash reports of it.

If you encounter any problem, or want more features, please drop me an email to countdown@mindtheapps.com
Thank you!!!
- Amir

Thanks to my translator to Korean: Minji Kim
한국어 번역: 김민지

"Countdown Timer" - (c) 2012-2015 Copyright Amir Uval - MindTheApps ltd.

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